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Quattuor scholis calor fistulae ad aquam calentium

In instanti calidum electrica aqua calefacientis, quattuor scholarum maxime referuntur ad quattuor aliter calefactio technologiae, quae maxime referunt ad "metallum tubus" schola, "speculum tubo" scholae "Ceramics" scholam. "School" Ceramics "School" Siconductor Ceramics "School.

Metal Pipe:It mainly refers to the main heating element of the water heater is composed of metal, metal heating tube materials on the market are mainly stainless steel, copper, etc., of which copper this material has good ductility, so it can make seamless copper tube, while its thermal conductivity is also very strong, in the process of use can also prevent the occurrence of water leakage and leakage phenomenon. Tamen sumptus aqua calentium facta ex aeris erit relative superior, ita maxime societates sunt directe per immaculatam ferro fistulae. Metallum calefacit tubo nunc maxime usus, quamvis sua commoda valde praestantis, sed usu non vitare cessum structural problems, ita facile bring leakage aquarum lacus pericula.

Vitrum tubum:Non-metal heating tube on the market is mainly made of crystal, glass, ceramic these three materials, glass tube school its advantage is the resistance film smeated on the outer wall of the glass tube, when the water flow through the glass tube, water and electricity will be fully separated, so that the safety performance can be more guaranteed, but the use of glass made of a kind of material made of heating tube its thermal conductivity is relatively poor. Ergo in processus calefacit facile perdere calor industria et simul in casu calidum et frigus, etiam facile ad speculum tubus rumpitur.

Aluminium CastThe cast aluminum tube can achieve complete isolation between the waterway and the heating element when in use, the water flows in the pipeline gradually heating up, effectively avoiding the scale problem that is easy to bring about by high temperature still water heating, so it will not produce scale when in use, then the service life of the heating tube is also effectively extended. Et incommodum est quod calefactio corporis est gravior, cum productio processus est magis universa, productio sumptus est princeps, ita non late promoti.

Ceramic Pipe:Ceramic pipe usu processus omnino solvere problema siccis ardenti per ignem per tibia calorem translationem, potest etiam consequi permanens aquam et electricity, aquae tibia et Ceramic omnino separata aquae tibia et tellus, ita non est aquae et aquae tibia. Tamen, in tellus tubo est relative tardus cum incipiens calefactio in processus usus, et calefactio pipe huius materia est etiam magis pretiosa.

Post tempus: Sep, 19-2023